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ORTHO EVRA birth control is a weekly birth control patch that was introduced into the market in November 2001. In 2004, ORTH EVRA accounted for more than 9.9 million prescriptions with sales topping a staggering $411 million. However, in November 2005, the FDA issued a black box warning label for the ORTHO EVRA birth control patch. Black box warnings are designed to highlight special problems, particularly those that are serious, and to give health care professionals a clear understanding of a potential medical complication associated with a drug.

Per the FDA, the risk for a blood clot from the Ortho Evra patch is increased in women who are 35 years or older, who smoke, and by having conditions associated with heart attacks — such as diabetes, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, and certain inherited conditions that increase the risk of blood clotting.

ORTHO EVRA exposes you to 60% more estrogen than if you used a typical birth control pill. Increased exposure may increase the risk of side effects. The most serious Ortho Evra side effects, are strokes, heart attacks, hemorrhage, and death as ar sult of the blood clot moving from your legs to the effected areas.

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